
American Saltwater Guides Association

We are a community of forward-thinking guides, small business owners and like-minded anglers who understand the value of fish in the water. We realize that abundance equals opportunity for all, and that such opportunity is more important to the future of our fisheries than filling the cooler today.

Empowering THE ANGLING Community

Our Voices Matter

Passionate Advocacy

Join our community and support our shared way of life. Your membership ensures we continue living our passion for the oceans, connecting with customers, friends, and loved ones. Be part of a community that values the ocean’s treasures and preserves them for future generations.

A Shared Voice

Our unwavering angling pursuits drive millions in tourism dollars that support local businesses, fishing guides, tackle shops, restaurants and accommodations. Our voice represents an entire industry.

Abundance Creates Opportunity

Opportunity drives effort. It’s pretty simple: people don’t fish when there are no fish to catch.  Help us sustain fish populations and ensures people can continue pursuing their passion. Be a part of the community driving effort through opportunity.

Guardians of the Seas

By becoming a member, you advocate for strong state and federal fisheries laws. Your support is crucial for ensuring sustainable living for decades. Join us in shaping laws with teeth through a thoughtful and collaborative process. Be a guardian of our fisheries and our future.

Partners & Supporters

– ORGANIZATIONS We work with – 

Shop Our ASGA Gear

Show your support for the Association with the latest ASGA merchandise! Proceeds go directly to research, management and advocacy campaigns.

All ASGA PRO Members receive a 20% on merch!

Latest News in Our Community

Stay up-to-date with the latest news in our fisheries with articles, videos and podcasts or by clicking the news categories below.

Mathematics of Menhaden

Feature Photo: Osprey in Flight After Catching a Menhaden Fish – Abeselom Zerit Menhaden are often referred to as the most important fish in the sea, and for good

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