The Future of Management

Data Collection

Better Business Through Conservation. It’s more than a tagline. It’s a commitment to a higher understanding of our beloved resources and improving the tools fisheries managers have at their disposal. ASGA is actively engaged in conversations at the state and federal level to review and improve current data collection methods while exploring innovative, new-world approaches to understanding our fisheries. Sound data provides insights on fish population and informs predictive modeling for future fisheries dynamics. ASGA believes that recent technological advancements and artificial intelligence provide unique opportunities to pioneer the future of management.

Striped Bass Tail
Striped Bass Underwater

Community Collaboration

Striped Bass

ASGA, a coalition of forward-thinking guides, small business owners and like-minded anglers who understand the value of keeping fish in the water, announced a partnership with the GotOne App to help expand the data collection for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries ongoing study on release mortality of striped bass.

This partnership will utilize the capabilities of the GotOne App to enable volunteer recreational anglers to track and directly submit data on landings, harvest and potential survival. ASGA has worked closely with GotOne’s founder, Luyen Chou, over the past two years to ensure that the app protects anglers’ privacy, while collecting the data needed to support fisheries science and management. The partnership between the ASGA, MA DMF and GotOne supports directives from NOAA to explore new technology that enable more effective data collection utilizing the recreational angling community. This partnership between private, non-profit and government agencies can provide a broader template for recreational fishermen to contribute to science in a meaningful way.

Got One App Screen Shot
GotOne Logo

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