When fishermen think about redfish, they think about Louisiana. The vast marshes and incredible culture provide an idyllic setting for catching the fish of a lifetime. Unfortunately, Louisiana’s redfish are now facing hard times. The numbers of adult redfish have fallen to levels not seen in decades and anglers are harvesting redfish at an unsustainable rate. The time is now to conserve this incredible resource.
The American Saltwater Guides Association was formed less than four years ago with the goal of using science and education to advocate for sustainable fisheries management. We believe in Better Business Through Conservation and understand that a healthy resource benefits everyone. We fight every day for our members along the Atlantic coast and are ready to make a difference in Louisiana. ASGA is wholeheartedly committed to working directly with our Louisiana guide community to ensure this remarkable fishery is rebuilt for our businesses, the resource, and the vast communities it supports.
1 x Bull Redfish Decal (4″ x 4″)
In stock
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