Louisiana Wagers Millions Against Redfish Rebuilding – Economic Analysis

Feature Photo: Josh Mercadal

We heard much in the opposition’s testimony about the unknown economic impacts for changing regulations. We connected with Ben Meadows from Dorsal Outdoors to get a true analysis of the tourism revenue being hemorrhaged through a declining redfish stock in Louisiana.  There have been constant attempts to try to create a partisan narrative between catch and release and harvest anglers, and while changes in creel may affect one more than the other in the very immediate future, in reality all business models are lost when the stock tanks

Ben’s initial work shows the significant economic damage of a declining resource. “At best, the guided/charter fishery has lost $5 million of its value during the current stock declines, and more likely, it has lost $17.69 million dollars, with current trends pointing to another $22 million decline over the next 5 years.” Read the full report here or scroll below

Ben is a Ph.D. Natural Resources Economist who aims to associate monetary value to environmental resources. He is currently a professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

One Response

  1. Redfish is Americas number one saltwater gamefish for a reason, they’re unbelievably Beautiful fish! And not a single two are alike, each having its own “thumb print”. I’ve heard too many stories from old timers, talking about large tarpon large snook and many other species that used to be thick as thieves and very plentiful. Now they just don’t exist or it’s very rare. I don’t want to be an old timer telling my kids about how much fun it was to catch redfish in bull reds in Louisiana or anywhere else I fish for them 20 or 30 years from now. We know how delicate this ecosystem and fishery is we need to do everything to protect it for our future generations!! TOO Many Guides and captains alike rely upon Redfish to provide for their family. You would think a reasonable solution would come out of this situation. As always bureaucracy seems to get in the way of conservation time and time again, when will we learn? What will it take? How many species most decline ?

    I’ve been in war zones I’ve seen 3rd world nations I do not recall seeing much wildlife during that period of time!!! America is neither, America has the tools to get this resolved and we must CONTINUE!! To lead the way in Conservation of Species and Environment.

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