Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia send letter to ASMFC asking for action on striped bass overfishing.

**Breaking News**

The American Saltwater Guides Association would like to thank the leaders from Massachusetts, Virginia, and Connecticut for taking a proactive position on striped bass. The three states just went on record asking for meaningful steps to bring striped bass back to target levels

As you know, a recent benchmark stock assessment found that striped bass are overfished and that overfishing is occurring. Even moretroubling, new data show that striped bass spawning stock biomass has remained below its critical lower thresholdsince 2013, and the fishing mortality rate has remained above its upper threshold since 2010. It is evident that status quo management will be inadequate to return the striped bass stock to target levelsof biomass and fishing mortalityindicative of a healthy fishery.

This will set the stage for real change at ASMFC instead of kicking the can down the road. We look forward to other states signing on to this letter and will keep our readers updated on any movement before the meeting on April 30th.

Read the full letter here

7 Responses

  1. Thanks to all responsible for taking a proactive position on striped bass and bringing them back to target levels.

  2. New York and new Jersey . All I see on social media is charters slamming fish before they even get to Conn and mass

    1. with you matt us up north get nailed for over fishing down south of us and can do nothing about it. sportsman are last on list but bravo would love to see the population return. still love fishing

      1. A big start would be stiiffer fines for the ones who break the law.. Ie.. No licence.. Overlimit.. Undersized… Start enforcement of commercial fishermen who are busted out of season and over limit… Take their boat away.. Take the gear.. Auction it to pay to replenish dwindling stalk.

  3. Grew up in Maryland and live in New York now. I hope both States step up soon and take action to replenish Striped Bass stocks.

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